Are you prepared for the "Big One"? Tips for Earthquake Preparation

With the Earthquake that hit our area Friday night, its a reminder that we do indeed live in earthquake country. Fortunately since we were spared a major quake, it gives us a chance to regroup and make sure we are prepared for when the "Big One" hits.

Below are some resources that has tips to prepare for an earthquake and what to do after an earthquake strikes. I think among many important things mentioned, have a plan with your family and having an Earthquake Survival kit is essential. 

Hope this helps and at least we can feel a little at ease knowing when the next one hits, you are prepared.
  • Tips from the Red Cross (PDF Download)
    It has 3 Important Topics: Prepare, Respond During, and Recover After

  • Get Earthquake Survival Kit
    Being prepared means being equipped with the proper supplies you may need in the event of an emergency or disaster

    The following are other interesting facts and other helpful tips about Earthquake Prepardness (All Following Links are 
    PDF Downloads)
